What is a Thread Face Lift?
The aim of all aesthetic treatments are to provide an improved visuality to the person by making use of surgical or non-surgical methods and techniques. The most sought-after procedures in the aesthetic world are related to the facial area. While investigating anti-aging treatments and solution options, it is possible to come across many solution alternatives related to facial aesthetics.
Over time, due to various reasons, the skin loses its elastic structure and begins to sag and wrinkle. There are many factors that play a role in the deterioration of skin structure.
- Aging
- Genetic predisposition
- Harmful habits that threaten human health and life, such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.
- Nutritional disorders
Reasons such as these can negatively affect the lively, healthy and youthful appearance of the skin. Treatments related to facial aesthetics, which are called anti-aging, aim not only to repair the skin structure after it is damaged, but also to minimize the risk of damage. For this reason, it would not be wrong to evaluate facial aesthetic procedures in two categories as prevention and compensation.
Among the non-surgical face lift techniques, one of the proven treatments is thread face lift. It is one of the effective methods used to eliminate skin problems such as sagging and wrinkles.
In facelift with a specially planned thread, thread selection is made depending on the degree of the patient’s problem. The number and region of the thread to be placed is also chosen depending on the individual problem. The body, which reacts over time to these threads placed under the skin, increases the production of collagen and elastin . The threads act as a kind of column and start to support the skin that has started to sag.
How is Thread Face Lift Performed?
Thread facelift is an aesthetic treatment that can be safely preferred and suitable for anyone looking for a solution for wrinkles and sagging on their skin. This procedure is not usually needed or recommended for people younger than 35 years of age. It should not be forgotten that all aesthetic treatments, whether surgical or not, should be performed in healthy conditions, with appropriate technology and by experts in the subject, and attention should be paid to the selections to be made in this direction for the thread lift procedure. General anesthesia is not needed when performing a thread facelift. Creams with a local anesthetic effect are generally preferred for the area to be treated, preventing the patient from feeling any pain or pain. Before the application of anesthesia, the skin is purified and cleaned. With the help of fine-tipped needles, the process is performed using straight or awn threads. It offers very successful results in areas that make up the facial lines such as cheek, eyebrow, under the nose, chin, and jowl, and it can maintain its effect for about 2 years.
What Is the Healing Process After Thread Face Lift?
Thread facelift procedure does not cause a healing process such as hospitalization, resting for days after the procedure, which will interrupt daily life. After the procedure, the person can continue his daily life, work and social life from where he left off. However, this does not mean that the person does not need to protect himself and that he can act as he wishes. Even if each intervention is performed with simple touches, it requires careful care afterwards. After the procedure, mild swelling, bruising and itching may occur. This situation, whose effect will pass by itself in a short time, should not cause panic. Care should be taken to keep the head area in an upright position in order not to be exposed to side effects such as bruising and swelling. It is necessary to avoid behaviors such as rubbing the operation area harshly, scratching, sleeping face down, exposing it to sunlight.
Specialist Doctors
Medical Branch
Succesful Operation
Other Details About Thread Face Lift
Facial aesthetic procedures, which gain momentum with technological developments, provide more effortless, painless, healing processes, and time-saving methods that will satisfy people and offer pleasing results. With these advantages, the thread face lift technique has become a very popular anti-aging application in recent years.
In order to fully see the effect of the procedure, it is sufficient to take a short period of time such as about 3 months. The fact that it is performed without the need for general anesthesia and without incision can also be considered as an advantage in terms of eliminating the risks that this method may create. Considering all these advantages, thread facelift is an application with a high success rate that many people can choose among face rejuvenation procedures.
Thread lift is not a preferred application for excessively sagging faces, it can also be considered as a preventive antiaging treatment for those who experience facial deformation at the beginning level.