What is Post Bariatric Surgery?
Obesity, which is defined as being overweight, is among the diseases that shorten life expectancy worldwide. The presence of obesity can be mentioned in cases where excessive and abnormal lubrication is at a level that threatens or impairs health. Studies show that obesity will be a problem for one out of every three people in the near future. Obesity disease can also appear as the cost of all comfortable technological opportunities that save time and body power. Because, one of the most important reasons why obesity has become the reality of our lives as an epidemic disease is the adoption of a lifestyle based on inactivity by leaving the limbs with mobility in the human body dysfunctional. The main factors leading to obesity and obesity that brought post bariatric surgery to the agenda can be listed as follows.
- Genetic predisposition
- Bad and wrong eating routines
- Uncontrolled eating
- Low metabolic rate
- A life built on inactivity
- Presence of diseases related to metabolism
- Not adopting sports habits
- Implementation of wrong diet prescriptions
- Hormone imbalances
Among these and similar factors that pave the way for obesity disease, there may be situations that depend on people and can be intervened, as well as situations that cannot be controlled despite all individual efforts. Obesity surgery is a procedure that comes to the fore when it is not possible to lose weight despite diet programs supported by sports or when the lost weight is regained rapidly. However, the weight that cannot be lost is not considered as a sufficient reason for bariatric surgery to be performed. The values in the Body Mass Index (BMI) table are taken as a basis in order to make the decision for surgery. In addition, diabetes, heart, blood pressure, sleep apnea, herniated disc, etc. The presence of diseases such as obesity, which may occur due to excess weight and have the potential to improve if weight is lost, is also among the evaluation criteria of bariatric surgery.
After bariatric surgery, people get rid of their excess weight, which can cause vital health problems and greatly reduce their quality of life. Post Bariatric Surgery is a surgery that restricts intake or impairs absorption. This ensures that the weights are quickly removed from the body after the surgery.
Is Aesthetic Procedures Needed After Obesity Surgery?
Although the rapid weight loss after the surgery creates satisfaction, sagging problems may occur due to sudden and rapid weight loss in the body. Aesthetics after bariatric surgery, also known as post-bariatric surgery, consists of procedures applied to eliminate sagging problems that occur in the body after excessive weight loss.
The level of sagging problem experienced by people who have undergone bariatric surgery depends on the following factors:
- Age of the person who had the surgery
- How much weight is lost after the surgery
- Whether or not the post-operative nutrition rules are followed.
- Whether the diet is supported by sports activities
Therefore, aesthetic applications after bariatric surgery may be necessary in line with the needs and to the extent.
Which Aesthetic Procedures Can Include After Bariatric Surgery?
- Tummy Tuck
- 360 Lifting
- Back Stretch
- Breast
- Arm Lift
- Thigh Lift
- Liposuction
How Is Post Bariatric Surgery Performed?
After bariatric surgery, at least 1-2 years must pass after the surgery in order to evaluate the aesthetic procedures that may be required. In order to complete the process of removing the weight from the body and to clarify the deformations that may occur in the body, the patient should decrease to his ideal weight and maintain this weight for a certain period of time, otherwise, the application of aesthetic surgeries is not found appropriate. Aesthetic procedures to be applied after obesity surgery are planned according to the needs and demands of the people. In order for the patient to survive the surgical process safely, all necessary health checks are performed. The type of anesthesia and the duration of the operation may vary depending on the procedures to be applied.
- Tummy Tuck: The abdominal region is one of the areas where fat tissues accumulate the most. Most of the complaints about sagging after Post Bariatric Surgery are related to the abdominal region. Excess skin tissue is removed from the body and the abdominal muscles are tightened.
- 360 Body Lifting : It is a comprehensive surgery in which procedures related to the abdomen, hips and upper legs are performed not separately, but in combination under the name of 360 Body Lifting. This surgery, also known as trousers dressing aesthetics, is a total solution option for sagging problems that may occur after bariatric surgery. The incision made in these surgeries is extended to the back area.
- Back Lift : Although the problem of sagging in the back region is not very common under normal conditions, a stretching operation may be required for the back region after bariatric surgery.
- Breast Lift and Augmentation : It is one of the most frequently needed aesthetic procedures after obesity surgery. With the reduction of adipose tissues, sagging may occur due to the loss of volume in the breasts.
- Arm Lift : It is one of the procedures that may be required after bariatric surgery for people whose lubrication problem is concentrated in the upper arm region.
- Thigh Lift : In some people, there may be intense sagging in the upper and inner leg area as a result of excessive weight loss. People who have intense sagging problems in this region also experience problems due to nappy rash problems.
- Liposuction : It is applied to remove stubborn fat that cannot be removed from the body despite obesity surgery.
What is the Recovery Process After Post Bariatric Surgery?
The healing process may vary from person to person, depending on which procedure or procedures are applied. While each aesthetic surgery procedure may have its own important details that need attention, some requirements form the common denominator of the healing process.
- The patient may need to be hospitalized for 2 days.
- You should rest at home for 10 days. Afterwards, you can start work and return to daily life.
- Installed drains can be removed on the 2nd or 3rd day.
- If 360 Body lifting surgery has been performed, patients are not recommended to drive for a certain period of time.
- After plastic surgery for areas such as buttocks, legs and back, actions such as sitting, getting out of bed and sleeping should be done carefully. The plastic surgeon will give the necessary information about which positions they should be in.
- Pain is expected for the first few days after the surgery. Necessary precautions will be taken during the stay in the hospital. Afterwards, prescribed pain relievers should be used as recommended.
- It is necessary to use a corset after stretching surgeries and liposuction. According to the application, the warnings of the plastic surgeon should be taken into account about the way and duration of using the corset.
- Swelling may occur. Ice compress helps relieve swelling, making it shorter.
- All the recommendations of the plastic surgeon should be carefully followed and applied in order to minimize the risk of complications and to get through the healing process comfortably.
Specialist Doctors
Medical Branch
Succesful Operation
Other Details About Post Bariatric Surgery
Weight loss process can continue for 18 months after bariatric surgery. In order for aesthetic procedures to come to the fore, the weight loss process must be completed. In order for the stretching surgeries applied to eliminate sagging problems not to be wasted, there should not be a large amount of weight loss afterward. As long as the weight loss process is completed and the diet is supported by sports, aesthetic surgeries after bariatric surgery can maintain their permanence effect.