What is a Bichectomy?
One of the most popular procedures of Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive surgery that has attracted increasing interest in recent years is the treatment of bichectomy. Bichectomy is the operation of removing the buccal adipose tissue, which is located under the cheekbones, by aesthetic surgical methods. The aim of bichectomy, which has an important place in facial aesthetic surgery, is to obtain a sharper appearance in the facial contours with the cheek thinning technique. In order to take a clearer picture of the visual results of the procedure, analogies such as V-type face shape and inverted triangle are also used. Every plastic surgery has certain eligibility criteria, and when planning the procedures, it is first evaluated whether the person is a suitable candidate. In this sense, bichectomy can reach and appeal to more people with the advantage of having more flexible criteria.
For Whom is a Bichectomy a Suitable Option?
- Men and women in the youth and adult age group
- Those whose face looks big due to excess fat tissue on their cheeks
- People who look overweight due to their facial area, even if they have normal or thin body sizes
- Those who are uncomfortable with round face lines
For Whom is a Bichectomy Not a Suitable Option?
- Older people
- Young people whose facial features are not fully settled yet
- People with thin facial features
How is a Bichectomy Done?
Bichectomy is the process of shaping the facial features surgically, and every plastic surgery can be successful with the right planning. It is evaluated whether people who are determined to be suitable candidates for bichectomy meet the health conditions to be operated. The person should clearly share with the doctor who will plan the process together, and should adopt a realistic approach to his or her wishes. While evaluating the general health status, information such as regularly used drugs, chronic diseases, and surgery history should be shared with the doctor. According to the results of detailed facial examination and blood tests, the doctor informs the patient in detail about all the stages and results of the surgery. Doctor may request that the use of blood thinners and other drugs that may pose a risk to the surgery be suspended before the operation. Bichectomy surgeries are an effortless procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia. However, there may be some cases where more than one aesthetic intervention can be performed in the same surgical process. If bichectomy is to be performed together with other aesthetic surgical procedures, general anesthesia can also be applied. The surgery is generally performed by reaching the cheek fat tissues through the mouth and removing some of the fat tissues.
What is the Recovery Process After Bichectomy Surgery?
After bichectomy, the patient can be discharged on the same day. It is not an operation that requires long-term rest. The patient can return to his-her daily life immediately. However, every surgical intervention has post-operative rules that need to be taken care of. And violation of these rules prolongs the healing process. The patient after bichectomy;
- Apply ice compresses as programmed by the doctor.
- Take care of oral hygiene and care
- You should use the medicines prescribed by the doctor without interruption.
- No smoking, no tobacco
- Avoid hard foods that are hard to chew
Since bichectomy surgery is performed by opening an incision through the mouth, scar formation does not occur. As long as the patient follows all the doctor’s instructions, especially oral care and hygiene, the incision area will heal in a short time.
Specialist Doctors
Medical Branch
Succesful Operation
Other Details About Bichectomy Surgery
Bichectomy is generally associated with Hollywood cheek. Although it may seem like two different discourses of the same surgery according to the information in some sources, they have nuances that are similar to each other. In Hollywood cheek, the surgery is performed by removing more adipose tissue. In bichectomy, the intervention is only on the cheeks. On the Hollywood cheek, cheekbones and chin can also enter the operating pot.