What is Arm Lift?
Arm lift is a procedure of removing the sagging skin that occurs in the parts between the shoulder area and the elbow, using aesthetic plastic surgery methods . Loosening and sagging problems in the skin can be observed more clearly when the arms are lifted to the side or upwards. Although arm lift does not discriminate against gender, it can be said that it is a procedure preferred more frequently by women, as it greatly restricts women’s freedom in dressing preferences . Although this visual deformation, which completely disrupts the visual integrity of the body and causes an older, overweight and bulky appearance, is more associated with women, a more fit, sporty and youthful appearance has become one of the greatest requirements of the modern world for both women and men. has arrived.
There is a misconception that sagging that occurs over time due to various reasons can be eliminated with a strict and regular sports program. Sports activities provide benefits for the preservation and strengthening of the muscle structure in the body. In addition, it gives the strength to resist against the negative effects of time and gravity on the skin structure. At the same time, sport is the most essential condition for the weight loss process to be carried out without any sagging problems as much as possible. However, it is not possible to recover a sagging skin by losing its elastic structure by doing sports. At this point, it is recommended to consider Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery procedures .
There can be many different reasons for sagging in the upper arms.
- Sudden and rapid weight changes
- Have given birth
- Not supporting diet programs with sports
- Obesity surgery
- A sedentary lifestyle
- Aging
- Genetic predisposition
- Gravity
Causes are important in terms of treatment, and consequences are important in terms of compensation. Each procedure in Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery adopts a result-oriented approach. Regardless of the cause, sagging that disrupts the aesthetic integrity of the body in the upper arm region can be recovered with arm stretching surgery.
For Whom is Arm Lift Surgery Suitable?
Procedure that can be preferred by anyone who does not have a health problem that will prevent surgical intervention . Anyone who is old enough to have their body lines fully settled and young enough to handle surgical conditions can consider arm lift for their sagging problems. The presence of some chronic diseases is extremely important for the flow of surgery and the recovery process after surgery, and it is a prerequisite for all age groups to pass the proficiency exam for surgery.
How is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?
The plastic surgeon first creates the person’s health record with physical consultation and blood tests. Then, arm lift surgery is planned for the patient whose surgery is decided. A diagram of the areas to be intervened is drawn by opening both arms of the patient to the sides. The locations of the excess skin are determined and marked. Arm lift surgery can be performed together with liposuction if there is a problem of lubrication other than sagging in the arms. In this case, the excess fat is removed first, and the subcutaneous tissue is drained and sagging. Where and what size the incision is made may vary depending on the severity of the sagging. Mini arm stretching procedure is applied for minimal sagging problems . Since the incision is made horizontally under the armpit in the minimal arm stretching procedure, the surgical scar can be hidden in the armpit area. In cases where sagging is more advanced, it may be necessary to make a vertical incision in an area extending up to the elbow. Making the incision on the inside of the arm can prevent it from being visually disturbing.
Arm lift surgery, which can be performed under local or general anesthesia, can take between 1 and 3 hours, depending on the surgical technique to be used. Patients who smoke are asked to quit smoking at least 1 week before the operation, so that the surgery and the post-operative recovery process can be easily overcome.
What is the Recovery Process After Arm Lift Surgery?
Procedure that does not require hospitalization, depending on the type of anesthesia used . If the operation was performed under local anesthesia , the patient can be discharged after resting for a while. In the case of general anesthesia, the doctor may request a 1 night hospitalization as a precaution. Post-operative pain, which is expected to be mild, can be controlled with painkillers prescribed by the doctor. It is recommended that the patient rest for at least 1 week before returning to his daily life. The first shower can be taken from the 3rd day after the operation. After the surgery, a special arm corset should be used within the period recommended by the doctor. After the operation, the patient should avoid activities that will force the arm area, and take care not to lift heavy.
Specialist Doctors
Medical Branch
Succesful Operation
Other Details About Arm Lift Surgery
It is a matter of curiosity whether arm lift surgery is a permanent application. In order for the endurance effect of arm lift surgeries to continue, people need to keep the weight gain and loss circulation in balance. In case of excessive weight gain and loss after surgery, arm lift surgery may lose its effectiveness. At this point, it is recommended to review lifestyle habits and adopt a healthy routine.